Village of the Drammed

Our Artisan Distillery

About Japanese Whisky

Entries in Karuizawa (1)


Who is Number One? Karuizawa Whisky Stock Sold!

The second whisky tasting I ever organised was a Japanese night called "Lost in Translation", back in 2007.  

The idea was simple!

I managed a small restaurant in Newcastle upon Tyne, which had a 50 seater Cinema attached, so we decided that a Japanese film (Lost in Translation) and whisky combo would be fitting.  In the lead up to the actual evening I discovered a set of Japanese whiskies sold as Ichiro’s Malt Card Series, being distributed by a drinks company called Number One Drinks.  I ended up buying a bottle of the Ace Of Spades, a thick heavily sherried 1985 Hanyu, bottled at 55% Abv. It left me hooked to most things Japanese!   

Since then Number One has continued to release and distribute amazing Japanese whisky, and has in my opinion really opened the European market to companies like Suntory and Nikka

Then a couple of weeks ago I heard rumours that the gents at Number One might have got their hands on all the remaining stock of Karuizawa whisky. This proved to be true as 10 mins ago the following press release popped up in my mailbox:

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