Village of the Drammed

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Pioneering Spirits: Glenfiddich Whisky Invites You to Reach the Summit!

Updated on Tue, September 6, 2011 by Registered CommenterDarren

If like myself, you grew up climbing and reading books by adventurers such as Joe Simpson, Chris Bonington and Pen Hadow, you'll be excited to know that Glenfiddich Distillery is hosting a summit for 21st century pioneers.

The "ONE DAY YOU WILL Summit 2011", will feature motivational talks from key pioneers, such as the above mentioned writer, and Polar explorer, Pen Hadow. The two day forum will also include inspirational seminars, exclusive nosing and tasting sessions and a celebratory dinner.

Running from October 18th - 20th, 2011, it will be a great networking opportunity for anyone attending. 

An Inspirational Two-Day Event

I'm sure you'll also agree the incredible determination, strength and passion it takes to do these sometimes unimaginable feats, undoubtedly end's with great motivational stories. 

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